Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Digestive System

       Do you ever wonder how your food is broken down after it's eaten? Well, you can give the credit to the Digestive System!

      Your Digestive System is made up of many parts of the body.

It Starts Here------------------> 

The Mouth

Then, the Salivary Glands help to break down the food to make it easier for our body to absorb the nutrients

Then it travels down the Esophagus and goes to the Stomach. In the Stomach, the Pancreas (a gland near the stomach) gives off digestive fluid.

The Stomach then stores the food, breaks the food into a liquidy mixture, and slowly empty the contents into the Small Intestine.

In the Small Intestine breaks down the liquidy food mixture more so your body can get all the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. 

The next step is where the nutrients and waste go their separate ways.

The nutrient rich blood goes on to different parts of your body. In the Liver there is a pear shaped muscle located in under the right lobe of the Liver. This is called the gallbladder. The gallbladder stores a liquid that is given off by the liver. This liquid is called bile. Bile helps to absorb and digest fats.

For the waste products, they find their way to the Large Intestine. The waste goes through the part of the large intestine called the Colon. There the body has its last chance of getting nutrients and some minerals.
After the last bits of water are removed, the waste gets harder, eventually becoming solid. You might know this product as stool, bowel movement, or just plain old poop. 
The Large Intestine pushes the poop into the rectum. The poop then stays in the rectum until you use the restroom. You get rid of the waste by pushing it out your anus.

So, overall, the Digestive System gets rid of waste and excess water and salts. It breaks down food into small molecules so they can move through blood to the cells.

To take care of your Digestive System, you should eat lots of veggies, eat fruit, and be sure to get food from each food group.

Pictures Found At-  (digestive system)   (mouth)   (Salivary Gland)   (Esophagus)  (small intestine) (large intestine)  (Pancreas, gall bladder)   (rectum/anus)  (poop)