Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Urinary System

I'm sure that you have gone to the restroom before. Ever wonder what your urine is? How it gets to your bladder?

The Urinary System provides the answers to those questions, and many more!!

Your Urinary System is made up of your kidneys, bladder, and some connecting tubes.

The main part of the Urinary System is the kidneys. Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are located on the back wall of the abdomen at about waist level. Kidneys filter blood that has collected wastes from cells. All of your blood passes through your kidneys many times a day.

Each of your kidneys are made up of about 1 million nephrons which are the tiny filtering units of the kidneys. Each nephron has a cup-like structure and a duct. Blood moves from the renal artery to capillaries in the cup-like structure. Water, sugar, salt, and wastes from your blood pass into the cup-like structure. From there, the there, the liquid is squeezed into a narrow tubule. Capillaries that surround the tubule reabsorb most of the water, sugar and salt and return it to the blood. These capillaries merge to form small veins. The small veins merge to form the renal veins, which return purified blood to your circulatory system. The liquid left behind flows into collecting tubules in each kidney. This waste liquid is referred to as urine, or the more common "house name," pee.
Your urine is stored in your bladder
 (an elastic, or stretchable, organ) until you use the restroom and the urine passes out through the urethra.

To keep your Urinary System Working, be sure to drink lots of water and stay hydrated!

Pictures Found at  (whole urinary system)  (urine sample) (kidneys)  (bladder)  (toilet)  (water)