Monday, March 19, 2012

Muscular System


      The Muscular System is another very important body system. The Muscular System is made up of different types of muscles including smooth, skeletal, and cardiac muscles, voluntary and involuntary.

A muscle is a tissue that is composed of fibers capable of contracting to effect body movement.

Cardiac muscle is muscle tissue of the heart, smooth muscle is muscle found in the stomach, and skeletal muscle moves parts of the skeleton (aka bones).

Voluntary muscles that moves when you control it, such as moving your arm and fingers to pick something up, or your leg to walk.

Involuntary muscles are muscles that move without you telling them to. An example of this type of muscle is your heart. It beats without you needing to tell it to.

The Muscular System also includes tendons. Tendons are a band of tough, fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone.
Tendon in the Bicep

      Your Muscular System helps move your body, in coordination with the skeletal system.

      You need to take care of your Muscular System. You can do that by, of course, EXERCISE. 

Pictures Found At-   (body at top)  (tendon)