Thursday, March 15, 2012

Skeletal System

           The Skeletal System is made up of all of your bones, cartilage, bone marrow, joints, and ligaments.
         Cartilage is a strong, flexible connective tissue that is found in various parts of the body, including the joints, outer ear, and the larynx.
         Bone marrow is the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones.
          Joints are a point of movement between two or more bones, for example, your elbow, knee, shoulder, and hip are joints, just to name a few.
Bone marrow deterioration

Bone Marrow

          Ligaments are a sheet or band of tough fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilage at a joint.
             You may wonder why we have a Skeletal System. This system serves a lot of functions. It provides shape and support for your body along with protecting internal organs. The Skeletal System also stores calcium and phosphorus and provides a place for muscles to attach. Another other function that the Skeletal System has is that blood cells form in the red bone marrow.
Muscle Attached to bone

         You have to take care of your Skeletal System or you could have a lot of problems when you're older. To do this, you need to be sure to get lots of calcium. A good way to get calcium is to drink milk.
        You also need to exercise to help your bones stay strong! 

       The final thing that you need to do to take of your Skeletal System is to cut down of caffeine. That means little coffee, little pop, and following these steps can help ensure your bones stay healthy!

Pictures Found At-    (bone marrow picture)          (milk carton)     (cartilage)    (skeleton)    (bad bone)   (muscle attached to bone)  (no coffee)  (puppy exercising)  (ligament)